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트라이비(TRI.BE) TRI.BE Da Loca “하룻강아지 I Can Really Bite” - SLEEVE COVER : 148 x210mm - PHOTO BOOK : 148 x 210mm / 84P - MINI POSTER : 145 x 200mm / 1set(8ea) - NAME CARD : 90 x 50mm / Random 1ea of 7ea - POLAROID : 55 x 86mm / Random 1ea of 7ea - PHOTO CARD : 55 x 86mm / Random 1ea of 7ea - STICKER : 60 x 40mm / 1SET(2ea) - POSTER : 420 x 594mm / Random 1ea of 2ea (For the First press only)

TRIBE  1st Single TRIBE Da Loca